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Full Super Moon in Capricorn Energy Update

Writer's picture: Roshelle GilesRoshelle Giles

This is another full moon energy update for the full moon happening on Monday, July 3, 2023 in the Sign of Capricorn. 

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and deals with structure and different patterns in our lives. Capricorn is that - this is just how things have always been done kind of energy and it’s that what’s safe and what I know kind of energy.  So during this full moon cycle the personal challenge many of us could be facing right now is really Recognizing where you may stand in this energy.

So let me explain what I mean by this. This Capricornian Energy is forcing a power dynamic re-write of a particular agreement or structure that is no longer working and is begging you to make a shift in that dynamic.  With structures being rattled, order being question and possibly a battle in power over an area in your life that’s asking you to examine and change.  This is the energy this full moon is ushering in and it’ll be the theme of the summer.

Pluto will retrograde this month then followed by Venus. Carrying this theme of self-examination of power to bring you through to fully aligning your reality with who you really are vs. aligning to out-dated agreements that may have been instituted in your past but are no longer needed because of the work you’ve done over the last six months or so to manifest a reality that aligns more with self than ever before.

So use this energy to re-set boundaries or those agreements you may have made with others in a way that’s true to you.  As you begin to honor in such a way, you’ll begin to love yourself more and begin to shift back the power in the areas of love (could be self love or romantic love) and in money.  As Venus deals with love and money she’s opening up this opportunity of change with how taking back your personal power. Then Pluto retrograde will help highlight your power and bring the energy you need to show up and  show up and use your power. The answer will always be your self worth, self esteem and self value. Being uniquely and authentically yourself. Leaving the energy of outdated structures that we no longer need. It’s time to confront what scares you, what’s been limiting your life, and open the door and take it.

This energy in change and self love is really pressing us to examine our shadows. This will open the opportunity to honor ourselves. Love ourselves. And understand ourselves more than ever before. Hopefully you’ll see new ways to face challenges that fully align with selves. Reset boundaries with people and not ostracize those people who treated us against this new interpersonal dynamic. People will treat you how you allow but you can use this energy to ease those challenges. If you’ve felt alone the last few lunation’s, you’ll start to realize the purpose and discover why it had to be that way to come through and claim your power.

With Pluto retrograde will highlight the power and ability to act and ability to do is introduced during this season an energy that’s pushing us toward a need to show up and use your power. The answer will always be your self worth, self esteem and self value. Being uniquely and authentically yourself. Leaving the energy of outdated structures that we no longer need. Stop using out rated narrative  as an excuse and start using the power that already in you to liberate others from expectations you may have for them and yourself so you can own your power and not let it own you. It’s ok to out grow and identity that someone else has for you and it’s also ok to take your time during this transition of power.

Use these journal prompts this month and the supportive energy in change and self love to really examine any shadows in these areas.

Journal Prompts:

-How do I facilitate my personal power with a reality that’s more self respecting?

-What laws and ideas are you holding onto to appease your sense of identify?

-In what ways has structure helped you in life? In what ways has it not?

- Is there anything you’re ready to release during this full moon? (This can look like limiting beliefs, habits, patterns, people, or environments that no longer serve you.)

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